24251 Town Center Dr. #122 Valencia, CA

What is it?

Scalp MicroPigmentation, commonly referred to as “SMP”, is a permanent, non-invasive cosmetic treatment for hair loss. SMP is the art of applying a tiny, permanent dot of organic plant-based pigment/ink to the scalp and repeated to mimic the size, color and pattern of hair follicles – in simplest terms, a hair tattoo. SMP is a non-surgical treatment option for people with thinning hair or significant hair loss. For people with thinning hair, SMP can eliminate the contrast between hair and the scalp. For more significant forms of hair loss, SMP can be used to provide camouflage for bald spots, cowlicks, previous hair transplants that were not as effective as desired, scars from a hair transplant surgeries, receding edges, temples, sparse hair lines, and of course, complete complete hair loss.

Recognize Your Type of Hair Loss?

FACT: Hair loss happens to people of ALL genders.

About half of the population will experience some form of hair loss by the age of 40, with cis gender men beginning to lose their hair between the ages of 15 and 25 and cis gender women between the ages of 25 and 30.

Hair loss/thinning are a natural process and occurs throughout the entire population at various levels, but an important thing to note is that these ranges may represent the onset of more severe/noticeable forms of hair loss.

For instance, Androgenic Alopecia is an inherited form of hair loss that follows different patterns based on the gender of the individual. Cisgender Men tend to lose hair starting at the font of the scalp, more specifically their hairline, temples as well as the top of the scalp – which may eventually lead to them losing all of their hair. On the other hand, cisgender women generally lose less hair in comparison to men and they usually fall into three categories of hair loss; slight , moderate, and severe. In cases of women suffering from severe of hair loss, it is uncommon for them to lose all of their hair.

Scalp MicroPigmentation is the fastest growing solution for hair loss.

Hair loss and the various forms of Alopecia is a concern for people of all genders and all ages. Treatments for hair loss include medications such as Propecia and Rogaine, hair transplants, hair systems, and more recently SCALP MICROPIGMENTATION. Did you know that Scalp MicroPigmentation will eliminate having to use any more hair fibers in your daily routine. SMP mimics the exact same results, permanently.

A Message To Fellow LGBTQIA Community Members

Scalp MicroPigmentation may used as hair loss solution for all people mentioned above, but it can also be a solution for people who don’t necessarily identify with the binary descriptions of gender mentioned above. Transgender women and men, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex people, all experience hair loss too, for similar reasons as listed above, and for reasons related to hormone replacement therapy or hormone blockers. Scalp MicroPigmentation can be a solution for you too, we are here to support ALL LGBTQIA+ family on your journey.


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